"Children will not remember all of the gifts you gave them... but they will always remember that day at the beach"

I truly believe there are not many things more valuable than travel, adventure, and experiencing new things with the people you love. It really is what brings you moments that light up your life. I can remember very few gifts I received as a child, but I have very special, vivid memories of different adventures I took with my loved ones. I have memories of day trips we took through Colorado, and also memories of our family vacations and outings. Those moments and memories are so special; no gift can compare to spending quality time with the people you love. 

I just got back from a trip to Florida with my two nephews and my niece. It was so amazing to experience the beach, Disney, Sea World, etc with them. To see their faces light up was something that I will cherish forever. 

I love travel. It is the greatest gift you can give.