The Truth About Your Second Pregnancy

I’m so grateful to be pregnant with our second boy! There are so many things that are similar with this pregnancy and my pregnancy with Giulian, but there are also so many differences. I thought it’d be fun to shine light on the differences and the real “truths” about second pregnancies from my perspective. If you have more fun truths you’d like to add, drop a comment below!

Second Pregnancy Truths

1.They’re not kidding when they say you’ll “pop” quicker.

The bump came in quick and has been growing at a faster pace. My diet and exercise is the same as with first baby, but the bump and weight gain has been more rapid for some reason. A lot of moms say it’ll plateau… I’m really hoping they’re right haha because I’m massive. At 28 weeks I look like how I did with my first pregnancy at like 35 weeks.

2. You’ll look at your app less.

With my first pregnancy I looked at my pregnancy app daily, and with this baby it’s more like once a week. I think because I know more of what to expect now and also I have way less free time on my hands with a toddler running around.

3. You’ll have less time to nap/sleep.

Gosh I napped so much when I was pregnant with Giulian. Way less responsibilities means more naps. Thanks to my sweet husband I’ve still been able to get some naps in during this pregnancy, especially during the first trimester when I was more exhausted, but I typically try to push through my tiredness and stay productive with Giulian is napping or when I get toddler free time.

4. You’ll Google less. Most everything is familiar and something you’ve experienced.

With my first pregnancy I googled everything!

5. You might ditch the labor classes. I am. Giving birth once makes you a pro right?? 

Okay I’m kidding, I wouldn’t call myself a pro. However I don’t see the need to sit through an entire birthing class like we did last time. I think we might watch a few infant safety videos online to recap infant CPR, but as far as actual labor… I think my memory is still vivid enough three years later.

6. The baby kicks are just as exciting as the first time ❤️.

7. You know this time that you won’t please everyone with the name, and you’ll care less about what others think of the name you’ve chosen.

You already know what to expect as far as everyone sharing all of their opinions, so it doesn’t blindside you like it did with baby # 1. You just have to accept that not everyone will love the name you’ve chosen, and that is okay.

8. You might not make time for that family maternity photo shoot like you did the first time, so snap some shots on your phone.

I’m not sure that we will make time for this, although I’m sure it would be adorable, so we are making sure to get a lot of photos.

9. You might not document this pregnancy the way you did with your first.

With my first pregnancy I did a blog post for each trimester, and honestly I love looking back on those posts. But unfortunately, I haven’t made the time to do the same with this pregnancy. As a matter of fact, there are zero bump update posts on the blog about this pregnancy. This post is the closest thing I’ve done to that.

Overall I’d say most of these differences come down to just simply being busier and having less free time for the little things. When you’re chasing a toddler around during a pregnancy, it changes things a bit. Also, you’ve done it before and you know more of what to expect. First pregnancies everything is so new, exciting and a bit scary. It’s a whole journey of stepping into the unknown. The second time around can bring some peace, because you have a bit more insight on what to actually expect. I sure am hoping that peace translates into the newborn phase as well.

Everyone has different experiences during pregnancy, maybe your second pregnancy was far more difficult than the first. But I think some of these things are true for us all. Thanks for reading!



the truth about your second pregnancy
the truth about your second pregnancy
the truth about your second pregnancy
